I’m getting engaged… with Digital Comms
“So you get paid to be on Facebook all day”.
“So you get paid to be on Facebook all day”.
The Public Health England (PHE) digital team are hiring.
As an agile digital team, running an agile intranet project, I always wanted our testing model to reflect the principles of agile.
Meet Chris, Pam and Dan – how user personas and user cards can inform a relaunch.
Rachael Harrison, Deputy Head of Internal Comms, talks about the journey they took to revolutionise content around the needs of users.
I’m used to having to explain my job title to people.
We've just published an update to our digital strategy.
As a team we like to eat our own dog food, so after we launched the new Intranet last month we wanted to check how well it meets the 26 points in the Digital by Default Service Standards.
Ben McGuinness, Digital Manager at NHS Blood and Transplant, talks about his recent experience in running a user testing session to help redevelop the online organ donation registration form.
I get excited when I notice something change for the better. Even more so when that change was made possible by the internet.