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Jason Caplin

Jason helps develop DH’s digital strategy, particularly the capability and policy parts. He is @xcaplin on Twitter.

Why have a digital strategy? To enable, catalyse and inspire

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Capability, Insight, Policymaking, Services and products, Strategy
Crop of DH digital strategy poster

I joined the Department of Health as the head of digital strategy in July 2013. Since then, our little team has saved less than £1m, not created any new jobs, not revolutionised health and care, and not spent its budget. And that’s all a good thing.


Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Capability, Strategy
Lego Ethelred and lego spaceman

During 2014, we’ve been pushing the digital capability message pretty hard. (Summary: don’t be scared, it’s the same internet you have at home, now go do clever stuff.) So it’s nice to have a number to put on the progress we’ve made.