Introducing the digital passport figure out what it actually means in practice, and how learning might be presented around it and how it could be assessed. understanding what ‘digital’ means in the context...
Digital champions, skills. figure out what it actually means in practice, and how learning might be presented around it and how it could be assessed. understanding what ‘digital’ means in the context...
I am 38 and I have a 6 year old son. Pretty soon he'll be outscoring me at Flappy Bird.
...that appropriate access and learning opportunities are provided Capability – confidence, comfort and skills throughout the organisation so that staff can make the most of the opportunities and avoid those...
...that throwing traditional training at large numbers of people won't do it. Fine, it allows for a box to be ticked, but little actual learning takes place. Instead, the approach...
...working alongside Civil Service Learning and DH’s own learning and development team to develop a programme of informal professional development. This won’t look like a traditional course. For instance, we’ve...
I was the only member of my first government digital communications team. I was a Website Manager, and managing a website was the limit of my responsibilities. Digital communication teams have got a bit bigger, and have become responsible for …
I did my best to answer this question at teacamp yesterday. Digitising press offices is a perennial subject for these kinds of gatherings. It's been a popular session at teacamp before, and is a regular subject for blogs by the government digerati. I …
I grew up reading Tiger and Roy of the Rovers so when I noticed Susy mucking about with Stripgenerator I couldn't resist having a go. And then when I needed a slide to explain the work we're doing to develop …
There are many opportunities for press officers to use digital tools in their roles. This could be anything from tweeting the link to a press release, to using digital listening tools to gauge stakeholder reactions. To help press officers make …
This is a blog about how information enters my head before 9am on weekdays. My day is generally internet free until after I've had my toast and coffee. I very rarely slide to unlock while I'm still in the house …