Audio, video, GOV.UK content, DH content, clear English, accessibility.
When I mention accessibility in relation to digital communications, most people ask “what does that mean?” or “what do I need to do?” I explain that we need to make a product or a service available to the widest audience …
After a few months of increasing our communications to DH colleagues about the move to GOV.UK (which we talked about in an earlier blog), we thought we’d share the feedback we’ve been getting. In recent weeks, we have done quite …
17 October 2012
As part of our preparations for the move to GOV.UK, in the Channel Strategy team we have been making our way round to see our DH Communications colleagues to inform them about GOV.UK and what this will mean for them. …
My dad runs the website for the DH Lawrence Society. It's a site, so I gave him some instructions that he could refer to when adding new content. They read like this: Go to Click on "Add post" …
If you haven't already, you should take a look at our Digital Health site. It's not new, or a new idea, but it has been getting a bit of extra love recently. Alice, our head of channel strategy, has posted a …
In April 2013, GOV.UK will replace all central government corporate websites, becoming the single place to find information about what the government is doing. For the first time, government information and services will be presented in a way that puts …
As a digital team, the tools available to us for communicating our messages are ever expanding and we sometimes need to take a step back and think about what is the most useful approach, rather than the most innovative. One …
I listen to a lot of podcasts. I can't get enough of them. I listen to essays, podcasts about sport and science, slick radio shows, and podcasts recorded on a kitchen table. My habit started, I think, giggling to myself on …
...end of the clip Editing Essential free software: Windows Movie Maker (For editing your videos) (Should be bundled with Windows XP, but can be downloaded separately) Prism Convertor (for converting...