Public Health England has launched new online guidance on evaluating digital health products. Kassandra Karpathakis and Hasan Ali at PHE explain how the service can help teams.
The report from the beta service assessment for the PHE Evaluation Service.
The report from the beta service assessment for the Continuing Healthcare model website.
The Healthy Start team talk about how they recruited users and carried out testing during beta.
The report from the private beta assessment for NICE’s comment collection service.
This blog post is about how and why the name of Healthy Start is changing. It discusses how the team is finding a new name and how the team will test if the name is good enough.
This blog post shares the findings from a survey the team did with retailers who help the Healthy Start scheme. It gives insights into how retailers administer healthy start, how they get reimbursed for accepting vouchers and their satisfaction with the service among other findings.
This blog post is about a survey the team conducted exploring what resources people/organisations need to help deliver the Healthy Start service.
This blog post offers teams some tips on what they can do between the Alpha and Beta stages of their project to maintain momentum and prepare for the beta.