Guest blog: How to rationalise legacy websites
Rebecca Kemp, Interim Deputy Director for Digital at Public Health England (PHE) talks about the thinking behind their digital transformation programme.
Propositions, spend controls, website hosting, platforms, solutions, channels.
Rebecca Kemp, Interim Deputy Director for Digital at Public Health England (PHE) talks about the thinking behind their digital transformation programme.’s been all hands on deck for the Global Dementia Legacy Event on Finance and Social Investment as we live blogged, live tweeted, live streamed (in 7 languages), shared photos,...
Last year I wrote some basic guidance on navigating the digital spending controls following the introduction of new spend thresholds by the Government Digital Service (GDS).
We (the portfolio management team) have been asked a few times lately about common pitfalls or reasons that digital spend requests might be rejected.
About a year ago, Alice Ainsworth and I gave a presentation at Mail camp 2013 about our plans to update the Department of Health (DH) e-newsletter offering. This blog provides an update on how we’re getting on.
'User first' is the mantra used within GDS and across government departments' digital projects. However sometimes, even if there is an identifiable user need it is not necessarily right that we – the government – are the ones to address …
The importance of an elevator pitch was drummed into me very early on in my career (I started off in advertising). This was because the ability to succinctly describe a client’s problem and our proposed solution significantly improved the chance …
As it’s now one month since I was welcomed into the Department of Health digital team, this seems a good time to share some thoughts and learnings so far. I was recruited as a Product Manager, a new role within …
I presented some of the findings of our work on the G8 dementia summit to the Digital Leaders the other week. The story I had to tell was about sustained open policy engagement over many months, using a range of …
We recently ran a survey of our internal DH Citizen Space users. Citizen Space is the digital tool that DH and a number of other local and central Government Departments use to run their consultations. Overall, our survey results were …