Using Yammer to deliver informal learning

...just one method. I've also set myself some rules to help me focus on what people here really need from learning activities: in context - learning should be delivered to...
...just one method. I've also set myself some rules to help me focus on what people here really need from learning activities: in context - learning should be delivered to...
There are many guidelines for using social media on the web (see Online conversations and your responsibilities as a civil servant). For DH staff, below are some simple tips that the digital team would recommend you consider before using social …
Summary In line with Civil Service Reform and wider government policy, the Department of Health encourages its staff to use internet tools that aid productivity or provide useful functionality. But staff should be aware that tools provided by third parties …
This is a blog about how information enters my head before 9am on weekdays. My day is generally internet free until after I've had my toast and coffee. I very rarely slide to unlock while I'm still in the house …
Warning: This is a blog about filing and productivity. It makes the case that social tools like Yammer help people to be less busy and more productive. I took a day off a few weeks ago. When I returned to …
I've always been a bit intolerant of content management systems. It's a problem, and I'm trying to address it. Photo credit: mindweb from The source of my problem is a feeling I have that content management systems are often …