First impressions from a Product Manager
As it’s now one month since I was welcomed into the Department of Health digital team, this seems a good time to share some thoughts and learnings so far. I...
As it’s now one month since I was welcomed into the Department of Health digital team, this seems a good time to share some thoughts and learnings so far. I...
The Government Digital Service (GDS) has introduced a new spending control threshold of £100,000 for digital. For some specific areas of digital the threshold remains ZERO, including for websites, domain registration, mobile apps, digital transactions and ID assurance for the …
UPDATE: A new threshold of £100,000 for digital was introduced on 3 July 2013, with some exceptions. Read the letter from William Jordan, Director General at the Efficiency and Reform Group (ERG, Cabinet Office. All money spent on digital services …
We’ve been doing lots of targeted comms about the move of the DH website to GOV.UK over the past six months and now with just 5 weeks to go we’ve really started going to town on it Last week I …
After a few months of increasing our communications to DH colleagues about the move to GOV.UK (which we talked about in an earlier blog), we thought we’d share the feedback we’ve been getting. In recent weeks, we have done quite …
As part of our preparations for the move to GOV.UK, in the Channel Strategy team we have been making our way round to see our DH Communications colleagues to inform them about GOV.UK and what this will mean for them. …
In this video filmed by the Government Digital Service, Rachel Neaman describes her role as Digital Leader for the Department of Health. Rachel, the Deputy Director for Digital, channel strategy and publishing at DH, explains why within the health and …
Last night, the Government Digital Service took the password off the Inside Government bit of the GOV.UK beta. It's the part of the beta that shows how GOV.UK will replace all the different websites run by government departments and other …
At some point in just about every presentation I give about digital communication, and our efforts to do it better at the Department of Health, I get asked a version of this question: "That's all very well, but what about all the …