Ramping up our comms about GOV.UK
We’ve been doing lots of targeted comms about the move of the DH website to GOV.UK over the past six months and now with just 5 weeks to go we’ve really started going to town on it Last week I …
Propositions, spend controls, website hosting, platforms, solutions, channels.
We’ve been doing lots of targeted comms about the move of the DH website to GOV.UK over the past six months and now with just 5 weeks to go we’ve really started going to town on it Last week I …
The countdown has begun. There are now just 10 weeks to go until we switch off www.dh.gov.uk and move over to the single government website GOV.UK. Our scheduled go-live date is Tuesday 26 March and with Christmas behind us it …
...digital strategic partnerships. The Care Quality Commission (CQC) regulates all the health and adult social care in England. We work to drive improvement in the quality and safety of care...
Last week a group of DH staff took part in the social simulator organised by Steph Grey from Helpful technology The idea was to test how we reacted in a crisis, and ready us to be able to respond well …
After a few months of increasing our communications to DH colleagues about the move to GOV.UK (which we talked about in an earlier blog), we thought we’d share the feedback we’ve been getting. In recent weeks, we have done quite …
As part of our preparations for the move to GOV.UK, in the Channel Strategy team we have been making our way round to see our DH Communications colleagues to inform them about GOV.UK and what this will mean for them. …
My dad runs the website for the DH Lawrence Society. It's a wordpress.com site, so I gave him some instructions that he could refer to when adding new content. They read like this: Go to www.wordpress.com/wp-admin Click on "Add post" …
In September 2011 mobiles and tablets accounted for just 1.51% of all visits to the DH website. In September 2012 this has increased to 7.9% - that's 11,820 visits last week via a mobile device compared to 927 a week …
This is a blog about how information enters my head before 9am on weekdays. My day is generally internet free until after I've had my toast and coffee. I very rarely slide to unlock while I'm still in the house …
As part of the Department of Health's commitment to follow best practice and meet our legal responsibilities in responding to Freedom Of Information (FOI) requests, we are publishing the current list of DH held domain names. All DH held websites …