Introducing our engagement platform
Through the work of our Digital Content and Engagement teams, we've recognised a couple of clear end user needs when it comes to Government communications:
Through the work of our Digital Content and Engagement teams, we've recognised a couple of clear end user needs when it comes to Government communications:
We blogged back in December about the user research we were doing as part of a Discovery phase around how the department runs digital consultations. Since then we've wrapped up the project and are cracking on with the next steps, but first here’s the how, what and why of what's been done so far.
What would encourage you to respond to a digital consultation?
...we could achieve in the timeframe. I’ve found lots of similarities with being a Digital Product Manager despite the switch from private to public sector. Nowadays the customer (person buying...
As a team we like to eat our own dog food, so after we launched the new Intranet last month we wanted to check how well it meets the 26 points in the Digital by Default Service Standards.’s been all hands on deck for the Global Dementia Legacy Event on Finance and Social Investment as we live blogged, live tweeted, live streamed (in 7 languages), shared photos,...
As it’s now one month since I was welcomed into the Department of Health digital team, this seems a good time to share some thoughts and learnings so far. I was recruited as a Product Manager, a new role within …
A blog about digital work in the health and social care area within government and arm's length bodies.