Using Yammer to deliver informal learning

...just one method. I've also set myself some rules to help me focus on what people here really need from learning activities: in context - learning should be delivered to...
Hello! I’m Dave and I work in the digital team at DH on capability. You can find me on Twitter: @davebriggs.
...just one method. I've also set myself some rules to help me focus on what people here really need from learning activities: in context - learning should be delivered to... figure out what it actually means in practice, and how learning might be presented around it and how it could be assessed. understanding what ‘digital’ means in the context...
...that appropriate access and learning opportunities are provided Capability – confidence, comfort and skills throughout the organisation so that staff can make the most of the opportunities and avoid those...
...that throwing traditional training at large numbers of people won't do it. Fine, it allows for a box to be ticked, but little actual learning takes place. Instead, the approach...
A blog about digital work in the health and social care area within government and arm's length bodies.