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  1. Comment by Gill Phillips posted on

    Well done Anna - and thank you for writing this. This is a lovely blog but also carries some very important messages.

    Addressing the Dementia Challenge (and wider "care crisis") is all about connecting up real people who care and opening up conversations about the things that really matter. This is my whole 'Whose Shoes?' concept so it is exciting to see it come alive in so many ways. We are all people -different stages of our lives, different skills and abilities, different roles, different issues. By connecting in this way, silos become less rigid, barriers are broken down. By giving everyone a voice and engaging people, there is far more understanding and empathy and a real will to work together for creative solutions rather than maintain a hierarchical or systemic "us and them".

    I have seen this happen over and over again in 'Whose Shoes?' workshops. Obviously the MOST important perspective is that of the person in the centre receiving support. But sometimes equally valuable and constructive breakthroughs can happen when people realise that managers, leaders and front-line staff have a job to do and that, as a human being, this might involve conflicts. If you'd like to see a video showing how this works, please Google "Whose Shoes? - Force 4 Change".

    Keep up the good work, Anna, and whatever you do, don't stop being a "real person" 🙂

  2. Comment by Andy Bradley posted on

    Thank you Anna - so helpful that you are focused and engaged; your deep care comes through. It is always a lovely moment to meet people 'face to face' when relationships have been built up over time, so hope to meet you sometime. I am so inspired by the contribution Gill makes and am humbled to be seen as one of the 'dementia challengers' - there is so much to do but it helps to keep me going to know that great people are rising to the challenges
    warm regards

  3. Comment by Anthony Hill posted on

    Hi Anna,

    Loved the article and great to see you are flying the flag for social media and most importantly elbow room for creativity! Keep up the good work!

    Anthony Hill

  4. Comment by Clenton Farquharson posted on

    Hi Anna.
    Great article real people spreading ideas and thoughts.

  5. Comment by Jamie Baker posted on

    A fantastic post. Great to see government getting good at social media and employing new ways of thinking to change culture and perceptions. Not just around technology, but for better social care, empathy and understanding.

    Brilliant 🙂

  6. Comment by Collette Petale posted on

    Hi Anna
    The article on Delphi 'to tweet or not to tweet' guided me to your blog.
    It really resonated with me and made me think about twitter in a different light! I will certainly be reading more tweets and you never know I might even tweet myself one day!