At DH, the digital content and communities team help people understand our policies and make it easy for them to participate in the policy making process. We are looking to fill two roles. They will play a key part in …
I’ve been thinking about the future of the Digital Engagement Team at DH. If you’ve been reading any of Stephen’s blogs, you’ll have read about some of the changes happening here at DH. The department is getting smaller, and we are …
I joined the Civil Service a few months ago and one of the things both my parting and joining managers advised me to do was make the most of a particularly valuable time-limited offer: the fresh perspective. So I took …
...the nurses and assisted us in learning how best to tailor our comms. We didn’t rely on Twitter alone – you’re never going to reach all your audiences through only...
When I talk to people about how they might approach writing an official blog, I always say they should make sure they're prepared to give enough of themself to make it interesting. People tend to read blogs because they are …
Here at the Department of Health, we always need to be ready in case of a health emergency. For example, last year we published our strategy for how we would communicate if there is another flu pandemic. As a part …
THIS VACANCY HAS NOW CLOSED We are looking to recruit a media evaluation officer (social media). The role is to work within the DH digital team, to help us develop the way we monitor and evaluate social media. It’s a …
On 9 May, I set up @DHmonitoring (now @DHlistening) and the response to this twitter account has been a really interesting (unintended) insight. We set up the account to follow a list of people talking about health policy and the …
We need to be better at understanding the impact of our work. In the digital team, we’ve decided to focus the team efforts on projects which we can prove have been effective. There are lots of free online tools that …