Pro-active social insight

I joined the Civil Service a few months ago and one of the things both my parting and joining managers advised me to do was make the most of a particularly valuable time-limited offer: the fresh perspective. So I took …
I joined the Civil Service a few months ago and one of the things both my parting and joining managers advised me to do was make the most of a particularly valuable time-limited offer: the fresh perspective. So I took …
My first job when I turned up in the DH Digital team was to review how we decide what to do next. I’m working in the strategy team, which means that alongside the work I do on raising capability within …
Last year an Annual Skills Survey here in DH concluded that about 20% of our staff considered themselves below ‘basic capability’ at digital stuff (with basic being defined as Level 7 on the Government Digital Strategy’s scale of inclusion). So …
...the case. You should be able to explain both for the development phase and for the service after it has launched: -The operating model – the main processes and procedures...
...Deliver film produced a final edit uploaded the film to YouTube and embedded on the beta tool promoted the film on the DH intranet wrote this blog (my first!) will...
The Department of Health’s digital strategy was published in December 2012. The strategy describes how staff will develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to make use of digital techniques to help develop better policy. The strategy commits the department to …