Service assessments
From: DHSCAssessment date: 18/5/2023Reassessment date: 26/10/2023Stage: Alpha reassessmentResult: Met at reassessmentService provider: NHS England Service description This service aims to solve the problem of enabling secure access to and support in the use of NHS datasets for external users for health and social care research. …
From: DHSCAssessment Date: 21/09/2023Stage: AlphaResult: MetService Provider: Office for Health Improvement and Disparities Service description This service aims to support and motivate users to make positive behaviour changes to improve their health as part of the NHS Better Health mobile app portfolio. Active 10 is …
From: DHSCAssessment date: 2 February 2023Stage: AlphaResult: MetService Provider: NHSE with TPX Impact Service description This service aims to solve the problem of providing advice and support to the social care sector on technology and data protection. In partnership with …
From: DHSCAssessment Date: 29/06/2023Stage: LiveResult: MetService Provider: NHS England Service description The NHS Innovation Service helps people with innovative ideas in healthcare (‘innovators’) to develop and spread their idea in the UK. It brings information and support that already exists into one central place, making …
From: DHSCAssessment date: 04/05/23 Stage: Alpha Result: Met Service provider: NHS England Service description This service aims to solve the problem of a user (an Adult with Mental capacity) who wants to request proxy access to support another adult with mental capacity when …
From: DHSCAssessment date: 29 April 2023Stage: AlphaResult: MetService provider: UKHSA Service description The winter viruses dashboard is a cost-effective, sustainable and scalable solution for an enduring public dashboard, which will act as a one-stop shop for priority UKHSA data and …
From: DHSCAssessment date: 14 July 2022Stage: BetaResult: MetService provider: NHSX Previous assessment reports Service description The service brings together different types of information standards needed to support interoperability across health and adult social care. It allows users such as healthcare providers …
From: DHSCAssessment Date: 13/07/2023 Stage: BetaResult: MetService Provider: NHS England Service description A trusted, government funded, CARE branded site built specifically to provide guidance, advice and support to, and engage with the adult social care sector on digital and tech. The service …
From: NHSBSA on behalf of NHS EnglandAssessment date: 15th December 2022Stage: AlphaResult: MetService provider: DHSC Service description The service provides a central place to find and apply for volunteering opportunities within the NHS. It is designed for people who recruit volunteers within the NHS or from Voluntary …
Read the beta report for the Hospital Fault Reporting App assessment from DHSC. This report contains the original beta assessment report from 01 September 2022 as well as the reassessed service standard points