Since joining DH, I’ve been looking at what new social media channels will be useful to the department. I’ve been keen not to just use something new just for the sake of it. The department already uses channels such as Twitter and Facebook, so I was on the look out for something new which would really add value.
Recently I was tasked with presenting social media stats in a format which was quick and easy to access and resulted in people really looking at the content, rather than seeing my emails and deciding they didn’t have time to read them. We also wanted something which showed the stats well visually.
The first thing that popped into my mind was Pinterest and we launched our page a few weeks ago.
We are not using it in the conventional way. We are creating our own boards based on what’s being talked about relating to DH in the last week on social media and have a board per topic. We can update that board if its still relevant the week after or a few weeks later.
We are sharing these stats internally and so far have had really good feedback. I’m keen to see if we find further uses for it.
I’ve found people using Pinterest as a good way to share infographics and it is reported to be a good way to drive traffic to your website or blog.
I’d recommend it using Pinterest, but maybe think of a way of using it which isn’t just pinning pictures of things you like. Although it is very good for that too.
Comment by David Lloyd posted on
I am currently working to use social media in clinical trials within the NHS as a way to engage, communicate and recruit people. Facebook, twitter and a blog have been my main weapons in this fight, so far, but after seeing your post I think pinterest will be another one. I guess I could put information about studies up on pinterest for people to look at in a visual way, or pictures from trials etc. Do you have any other ideas about how this could translate for research or other areas of health?
Comment by Susy wootton posted on
Hi David, Your ideas sound good to me. Pinterest is a good way to drive traffic to your website so you could put visuals up there and drive people towards detailed information on your website.